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Cruce Andino a unique trip worldwide, sailing through the Andean Mountains through 3 lakes, connected by 4 land sections, between Bariloche and Puerto Varas; It intertwines two National Parks: Vicente Pérez Rosales in Chile and Nahuel Huapi in Argentina
In every Bike & Boat journey, the land legs are covered by mountain bike. The difficulty of the trip will depend on the chosen route, given the differences between the various uphill and downhill trajectories.
Write to us at contacto@cruceandino.com
Cruce Andino a unique trip worldwide, sailing through the Andean mountains through 3 lakes, connected by 4 land sections, between Bariloche and Puerto Varas; It intertwines two National Parks: Vicente Pérez Rosales in Chile and Nahuel Huapi in Argentina
By bus and boat from Puerto Varas to Bariloche in 12 hours. Referential rate is per person, until March 2025.
From Bariloche to Puerto Varas. Hotel included in Peulla or Puerto Blest. Referential rate is per person for a double room, whit mid-trip accommodation.
Departing and returning to Puerto Varas, Chile. Referential rate is per person, and valid until March 2025.
Departing from and returning to Bariloche, Argentina. Hotel included in Peulla or Puerto Blest. Referential rate is per person for a double room.
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In Cruce Andino we strengthen our partnerships to create an authentic destination.